Joe Hall – Thirty Dobb Special CD


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Joe Hall and the Louisiana Cane Cutters’ Thirty Dobb Special deals close to the heart with a tribute to grandfather “King” Ned. The hard-charging title track emanates from an untitled melody of Ned’s; the cover shot of the accordion and Dobb hat is symbolic of how the venerable accordionist often wore the stylish lid at gigs. With Mitch Reed’s slippery, sublime Creole fiddling squealing across the high notes, the proceedings skew towards old-time Creole music. A few selections actually feel like an updated version of the first generation Lawtell Playboys. Hall supplements the antiquated ambience with various cultural artifacts and keeps the surprises rolling by unearthing a couple of country crossover Creole chestnuts. Though Hall may be years away from becoming a cultural hall of famer, this recording, nonetheless, is a classic hallmark affair. ~Dan Willging. Released in May 2011, 14 tracks.