*Winner of the 2012 CFMA’s Le Cajun Award for BAND OF THE YEAR and SONG OF THE YEAR (“Frisson Two Step”)!!
Despite personnel changes over its eight-year existence, the Lafayette Rhythm Devils still manage to find new grooves to mount its formidable dancehall attack, as evidenced on its first album in five years! The song selection includes tenderly rendered selections from Shirley Bergeron and Adam Hebert as well as ripping songs from past bands, Charivari and Mouton Noir. Yet, nothing is more touching than the story behind “John Stoute’s Medley,” an inspired pair of Dennis McGee fiddle tunes that were favorites of Stoute, an avid fan stricken with cancer. Before any of this was officially a project, the band recorded the medley and presented it to Stoute days before he passed, hence giving credence to the notion that sometimes Devils can be angels. Band members include Randy Vidrine, Donald LeJeune, Chris Segura, Yvette Landry & Blake Miller. Released in May 2012, 12 tracks.